
You might not need jQuery. But if you do, check out some specifics when working with jQuery in Chisel.

Using jQuery plugins with webpack

One of the known issues we encounter while front-end development is usage of the jQuery plugins like flexslider alongside webpack module bundler.

The usual solution to that problem can be treated this way:

1) Install jquery node-module if you haven't done it yet

This is needed because many jQuery plugins have a check if they run inside a module bundler and require jquery to be a node-module, but they tend to bind themselves to global $ object either way.

npm install --save jquery

2) Make jQuery global (for various reasons)

window.jQuery = window.$ = require('jquery');

3) Require plugin

require('flexslider'); // Usually they bind to global jQuery object

Using jQuery and its plugins outside of the webpack bundle

From time to time you may stumble upon a legacy jQuery plugin or one which just doesn't want to play nice with webpack. In such a case, you can setup the project to place jQuery and its plugins outside of the main bundle.

Existing project setup

You can try the following steps:

1) Place jquery in assets directory and load it in the template

Download and place jQuery (for example jquery.min.js) in the assets directory, then load it in the layouts/base.twig before app.js:

<script src="{{ assetPath('jquery/jquery.min.js') }}" defer></script>
<script src="{{ revisionedPath('scripts/app.js') }}" defer></script>

Note: in the above example we additionally created the jquery directory in the assets directory.

2) Exclude jQuery from webpack

Open up chisel.config.js in the root directory and add following function to exported object:

configureWebpack(config) {
  config.externals.push({ jquery: 'window.jQuery' });

This ensures that when jQuery is imported from one of your JS files, or libraries imported by your JS files it references global jQuery we're loading in the template instead of loading a second copy of jQuery.

How to use it

This setup will allow you to place plugins inside a special src/scripts/vendor directory. Mind they won't be picked up automatically! You need to add the plugin name in the src/scripts/vendor.json file. Assuming that you've placed select2.full.min.js inside the vendor, the vendor.json file should look like this:

When you need to use a jQuery plugin that's not compatible with JS bundling tools you can place them in the assets directory and load them between jQuery and your JS.

<script src="{{ assetPath('jquery/jquery.min.js') }}" defer></script>
<script src="{{ assetPath('jquery/select2.full.min.js') }}" defer></script>
<script src="{{ revisionedPath('scripts/app.js') }}" defer></script>


When writing code it's possible to import $ from 'jquery' or var $ = require('jquery') and use plugins from the assets directory.

Library not available through npm

Place it in assets directory and load in a base layout like demonstrated above.